Ambassador Agreement


Capitalised terms used in this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement have the meaning given to them in the Website Ts & Cs, unless the context otherwise requires.

  • Acceptance of our Terms

    • By registering to become an ‘Ambassador’ on the Tribees Marketplace available on the Tribees’ Sites and/or by using the services available to Ambassadors in connection with the Marketplace (the “Ambassador Services”) you agree to be bound by this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement which is additional to and supplements our Website Ts and Cs (together, the “Marketplace Ambassador Agreement”).
    • You understand, agree and acknowledge that this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and Tribees and you shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement upon registering to become an ‘Ambassador’ or by using the Ambassador Services.
    • If you register on behalf of a partnership then:
      • you promise that you have the authority to agree to this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement on behalf of the partnership for which you are registering;
      • you acknowledge that the partnership shall be bound to the terms of the Marketplace Ambassador Agreement; and
      • a reference to ‘you’ or ‘your’ or ‘person’ throughout this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement shall include a reference to the relevant partnership unless the context otherwise requires.
  • Your Age

    • If you are under the age of 18, you agree that you have had your parent or guardian explain this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement to you and that you understand and agree to the terms of this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement.
  • Obtaining Approval as an Ambassador

    • In order to become approved as an ‘Ambassador’ you will be required to:
      • meet the then-current criteria to become an Ambassador; and
      • submit certain information and details, including (without limitation) your passion for healing the world and the activities you have engaged in to support that passion.
  • Creating Your Ambassador Page

    • If you are approved as a registered Ambassador on the Marketplace, you will be entitled to create a page on the Marketplace through which (among other things) you will be able to endorse Vendor’s Products (the “Ambassador Page”).
    • You must populate your Ambassador Page in accordance with the instructions provided by Tribees (including, without limitation, by providing your biography, images, videos, social media links and interests, and other information regarding your passion for healing the world).
  • Endorsing Vendor Products

    • As an Ambassador you will be entitled to make requests to endorse Vendor’s Product(s) and you agree that Vendors may contact you to request that you endorse a Vendor’s Products.
    • If a Vendor accepts your request to endorse a Product or you accept the Vendor’s request to endorse a Product (each an “Endorsed Product”) then an ‘Marketplace Ambassador Arrangement’ will be deemed to have been reached in connection with the relevant Endorsed Product (each a “Marketplace Ambassador Arrangement”).
    • You or the Vendor may elect to end the Marketplace Ambassador Arrangement at any time via the notification process on the Sites.
    • During the period a Marketplace Ambassador Arrangement is in place in connection with an Endorsed Product:
      • the Endorsed Product will appear on your Ambassador Page;
      • you will be entitled to receive the Ambassador Commission (set out below) in connection with the sale of the Endorsed Product via the Marketplace; and
      • you agree that your name, image, biography and other information available on your Ambassador Page may be used in connection with the promotion and sale of the Endorsed Product, including (without limitation) on the Vendor’s Store and otherwise on the Sites.
    • You consent to being contacted in connection with Endorsed Products of Vendors with whom a Marketplace Ambassador Arrangement is active.
  • Ambassador Commission

    • Shoppers may visit your Ambassador Page and shop for Endorsed Products.
    • If a Shopper adds an Endorsed Product to the Shopper’s ‘cart’ by following the link to the Endorsed Product from your Ambassador Page and then purchases that linked Endorsed Product, then you shall be entitled to a percentage of the sale price of that Endorsed Product at the then-current published Ambassador Commission percentage (the “Ambassador Commission”), provided the Endorsed Product is not returned within 30 days of delivery to the Shopper (“Refund Period”).
    • The Ambassador Commission shall be paid in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
      • the Ambassador Commission shall be held by Tribees until after confirmation the Endorsed Product has been shipped;
      • within 7 days of receipt by Tribees of a notification from a Vendor that the Endorsed Product has been shipped, Tribees will pay (using Tribees chosen method) the Ambassador Commission to the Ambassador;
    • If Tribees is notified that the Endorsed Product has been successfully returned by the Shopper within the Refund Period, then the amount of the Ambassador Commission will be refunded to the Shopper and you agree that we may deduct the sum refunded, together with any transaction or bank fees, from any sums due to you.
    • If you believe you have not received Ambassador Commission due to you, then you may contact us at
    • For the avoidance of doubt, if a Shopper does not add an Endorsed Product to the Shopper’s ‘cart’ via your Ambassador Page and/or does not pay for the ‘cart’ which links the Endorsed Product to your Ambassador Page and/or the Shopper returns an Endorsed Product after purchase, then you will not be entitled to receive the Ambassador Commission.
  • Ambassador Arrangements Not Exclusive

    • For the avoidance of doubt, if an Ambassador Arrangement exists between you and a Vendor, it is non-exclusive and a Vendor is not restricted from agreeing to other Ambassadors endorsing the same product. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you agree that Tribees shall be entitled to implement limitations, rules and policies regarding Ambassador Arrangements and exclusivity requirements.
  • Code of Conduct and Policies

    • You agree that you shall comply with all codes of conduct, policies and rules implemented by us.
  • Use of Tribees Name and Logos

    • You may access and/or reproduce Site Materials only for the purpose of using our Sites for their intended purpose. You may not otherwise use or exploit (including, without limitation, by way of selling, distributing, adapting, editing, changing, transforming, embedding, republishing, showing or playing in public (for a commercial purpose), publishing or communicating) the Sites or the Site Materials without our prior written agreement and we reserve all such rights in the Site Materials.
    • When you make content available on the Sites you simultaneously grant us a royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to publish, display, modify, distribute, communicate, syndicate and otherwise use in any manner throughout all media such content – and you promise you have the rights to grant such rights to us.
  • Termination and Suspension

    • You may delete your Ambassador Page at any time. If you terminate your Ambassador Page, then it may be immediately deleted and may not be able to be reactivated - you will lose and/or forfeit all features, benefits and inclusions connected with your Ambassador Page and shall not be entitled to any compensation and all your information, materials, communications, Endorsed Products and history will no longer be available to you.
    • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Ambassador Page at any time for any or no reason at our sole discretion.
    • We may, at any time, prohibit you from using the Sites (or any part of the Sites or Site Materials). If we notify you of such prohibition, then you must immediately cease using the Sites (or the relevant part of the Sites or Site Materials) and you must not attempt to continue to use the Sites.
    • For so long as you use the Sites, the Website Ts & Cs will continue to apply. Terms that are to continue in perpetuity shall be unaffected by any termination of the Website Ts & Cs.
  • Relationship

    • Nothing in this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement is intended to create a partnership, agency, employment or fiduciary relationship between us and you (or any user of the Sites).
  • Miscellaneous

    • All fees are listed exclusive of any goods and services tax or similar taxes that may apply, unless otherwise indicated.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, a reference to ‘Account’ in Website Ts & Cs includes a reference to your Ambassador Page under this Agreement.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, the terms and conditions set out in the Website Ts & Cs, shall be read into this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement and apply to the terms of this Marketplace Ambassador Agreement.