Configurations vs. customisation options fields in product form


In general, the field Configurations field creates a configurable product which combines simple products on one page. These simple items are variants of the product. For example, you are an online store owner selling T-shirts in 3 different colors (Red, Green, and Yellow) and three sizes (S, M, L). In this case, you have nine combinations in total (Red-S, Read-M, Red-L, Green-S, Green-M, Green-L, Yellow-S, Yellow-M, Yellow-L). 

On the other hand, the field Customizable Options lets you create variants for a simple product. For those selling courses, membership, additional services, and custom options for downloadable, or virtual products may be helpful tools. Also, for a simple product, this field can be used to make add-on secondary sales. For example: a phone with an add-on fast charger; a shirt with a customer’s unique logo on it. 

Magento 2 simple products with custom options should be chosen if you need to provide customers with additional customization services. If you want to offer a T-shirt in different sizes and colors, we advise using a configurable product. This option is much more convenient and efficient for store owners to manage the inventory and search for products. 

Below is the detail difference between 2 fields: 


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