Marketplace Shipping Calculation Management

When setting up your Marketplace, you need to determine how shipping will be handled and charged to the customer, whether the customer will be charged for each Vendor they are ordering from or if they will be just charged once per order. This will likely depend on whether Vendors are shipping items themselves or all items are being shipped from the same place regardless of which Vendor it's coming from.

Within the Tribees marketplace this is handled with a configuration located at Stores -> Configuration -> Omnyfy 4.0.7-PATCH-1 -> Vendor -> Vendor Configuration called Calculate Shipping By. This option has two values:

Per Vendor

This is the option that should be selected if the customer is being charged a shipping fee for each Vendor Location they are ordering from. Once this is set, shipping methods just need to be set up as required.

Overall Cart

This is the option that should be selected if the customer is being charged one shipping fee regardless of how many Vendors they are ordering from. To use this option Marketplaces will need to have one central point that orders will be shipped/collected from, and this location needs to be added as a Vendor in the platform. You'll need to go through the Vendor Sign Up Process and the Create a Location for that Vendor with the address of the central pick up point for orders. Once these have been created select the location in the Location used for overall cart pickup dropdown.

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