Etiko Spotlight: Discover the Ethical Fashion Revolution Down Under

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  • Etiko Spotlight: Ethical Fashion Revolution Down Under
Communities and Cultures, Land and Soil, Energy and Climate

Walk Ethical Talk

Etiko is a fashion brand that's proper cool. Not 'let's exploit poor people and ruin our natural enviroment and hide it behind glitz and glamour and paid-off PR girlies.'

We're talking about a brand that pays its farmers and workers a fair, living wage, says no to sweatshops, child labor, and slave labor, and meets the highest existing verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability in Australia.

From Melbourne To The World

Founded by Nick Savaidis in Melbourne all the way back in 2005, Etiko was born from a dream of having apparel and footwear that didn't involve underpaid workers, child labor, or environmental degradation. The vision was clear: create ethical clothing, now.

And so it was.

Today, through fair, transparent, and environmentally-friendly supply chains, Etiko has heightened the human rights and labor conditions of countless cotton growers, rubber tappers, apparel workers, shoe manufacturers, and sports ball producers in India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.

What's better? Their ethical approach has a positive flow-on effect on these workers’ families and communities.

Not just awards...but impact

Sure, it's not just about the awards, but Etiko has ten:

  • The Human Rights Awards, where they were the first fashion brand to win the Business Category award
  • Plus, from 2013-2021, they've held the highest ranking brand every year in the Australian Ethical Fashion Report

Etiko Products You’ll Love

From high-top sneakers to printed tees, Etiko has a wide range of products that not only look great but also feel great on your body (and for your conscience).

Stay tuned, because because we'll follow up with a deep-dive into Etiko's product range in a future post. Until then, keep making those eco-conscious choices, and check out Etiko's product range here.

Remember, every little step towards sustainability counts, and by choosing to wear ethical brands like Etiko, you're making a big difference.

The power is in your hands...and your wardrobe.

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