Youthtopia: Empowering Gen-Z to Change the World

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  • Youthtopia: Empowering Gen-Z to Change the World
Communities and Cultures, Energy and Climate

Where did it start?

Melati and Isabel Wijsen were sick of talk and no action. So they knuckled down and after four years, they got plastic bags banned in Bali. And with that, two full-time change makers were born.

But then came the influx of young people all asking the same question: "How can I do what you do?"

So Melati and Isabel created Youthtopia: a digital city providing zoomers with tools that activate change.

It's a place where climate action is not just a slogan, but a way of life...where empowerment is not just a concept, but a practice...where diversity is not just a buzzword, but a reality.

Where is it heading?

So, if you're a zoomer (that's Gen-Z, boomer) and you have a burning desire to make a difference, Youthtopia is your place. Here, your ideas are valued, your passion is welcomed, and your actions can make a factual difference.

It's a place where you go from spectator to participant in the process of change.

Ideals embodied

Imagine this: It's November 2020, and we're at Youthtopia HQ in Bali. The whole place is powered by the sun through solar panels. There is a flourishing permaculture garden that welcomes butterflies and bees. Inside their recycled shipping containers, a passionate hive of individuals from all over Indonesia work together to make a difference.

Team approach

The Youthtopia team comprises a range of different skills and perspectives, but each team member united by the same goal: empowering young changemakers. It's a team that knows the sheer power and the potential of youth.

Youthtopia also believes in an intergenerational approach to change. Alongside their signature Circle of Youth network, they have a Circle of Wisdom. This circle includes former executives from Twitter and Google, former ministers of environment, and co-founders of influential organizations. In this way, Youthtopia seeks to synergise youthful energy with wisdom.

In the press

Love 'em or hate 'em, Youthtopia has been recognised by the WEF as "part of a growing phalanx of young people determined to shape Earth's future" and by CNN for "harnessing the power of this generation to fight against climate change." 

They also have been featured in the Whiteboard Journal as an "ecosystem that empowers young changemakers to pursue their Why by providing the How."

These recognitions evince the impact that Youthtopia is making.

Jump on board!

Youthtopia is more than just a platform; it's a movement.

So, if you're ready to join the ranks of young changemakers, join the Circle of Youth today. It's a place where you can learn, grow, and make a difference.

Remember: the future is in our hands; every moment, every day.

Let's do it.

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